The RT-PCR test is an abbreviation of the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction test. RT-PCR is a nuclear-induced nuclear-derived method for detecting the presence of genetic material specific to pathogens such as viruses. Using this technology, inspectors can check the results, even during the examination. It is the most widely used method of coronavirus testing, but some countries still require quite sophisticated and technical skills to the extent that they need some support, such as test set.
The RT-PCR test results are reliable. Compared to other virus testing methods, RT-PCR is reasonably fast, and the entire test process is checked with the tube closed, so contamination and test errors are low. Currently, it would be the most accurate way to test for Coronavirus.
What is Rapid Antigen Test (ATK)?
Rapid Antigen Test (ATK) examines the protein of the coronavirus surface.
It directly collects and tests viral antigens, antibodies that bind well to specific antigens are coated on a sterile swab and reacted to check for virus infection.
Professional rapid antigen testing takes samples from the nasopharyngeal (the area deep inside the nose), just like PCR tests.
Since cotton swabs must be inserted deep into the nose, the length of the cotton swabs is at least 10 cm, and professional medical professionals conduct the tests.
What is COVID-19 CLEIA Lumipulse Saliva Test?
The ClEIA LUMIPULSE SALIVA test is used with the LUMIPULSE G system for the quantitive determination of SARS-CoV-2 antigen in human saliva. This test is also approved for entering Japan to receive the results within 6 hours.
What is the difference between RT PCR test and Rapid Antigen Test (ATK)?
RT-PCR tests examine the genetic material of the virus in the collected sample, and Rapid Antigen tests(ATK) examine the specific proteins on the virus’s surface in the collected sample.
What kind of certificate will I receive after Rapid Antigen Test (ATK) for my travel?
Fit to Fly certificate will immediately given after the test.
Which test should I perform for my travel? RT-PCR Test or Rapid Antigen Test?
If you are a traveler, it is essential to check the travel restrictions or additional entry requirements of the country you will enter.
Some countries, such as Singapore, the United States, the Philippines, the Netherlands, and Australia request travelers to perform Rapid Antigen test (ATK) and submit the evidence (Fit to Fly Certificate). However, since the travel restrictions and entry requirements of each country rapidly change, it is vital to check whether you should perform RT-PCR or ATK (Rapid Antigen test) before your departure time.
What type of certificate will I receive after RT-PCR Tests?
Yes. Our clinic will send you a laboratory report accredited to ISO 15189 standards after the test via email.
Can I visit the clinic without making a reservation?
Yes, a walk-in test is available. Even if you have already made an appointment online, you could visit the clinic earlier.
Is a QR code for travel provided?
Yes. Some countries require a valid test certificate with a corresponding QR code. The QR code should link to your digital pre-departure test certificate.
What if I feel abnormal symptoms related to Covid-19 before PCR / ATK test?
Once you experience any of the symptoms ((fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, headache, runny nose, loss of sense of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.) Please inform the consultant via online messengers or email (